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  In today's world in science and technology changes with each passing day, rising living staned harm to human beings of examples is endless, the Japanese bone pain disease is belongs to the metal pollution source of heavy metal poisoning. Because of the diversity of the incident, make people repeatedly for their own drinking water holding sceptical, even doubt fear of tap water in the process of production water mixed with some toxic gas, that such as pure water and mineral water, pure and high consumption products more use of health. In fact production in line with national standards of water will not endanger human body health, countries there is some prevention measures.
  Therefore, even if the development of science and technology will lead to pollution, nor pollution again, the first such unfavorable to the improvement of people's living standards, not to mention the social development, we can't do things kill the goose that lays golden eggs.
  Pollution while developing an unavoidable, but as long as we have a strong sense of hardship, draw lessons from the experience and lessons of developed countries, improve the human environmental protection consciousness, learning to prevention and control of environmental pollution problems, can become junk as a renewable resource, make good use of resources, and let people find the harmonious