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上传人:ainibubian1313 2022/4/20 文件大小:222 KB





文档介绍:consciousness of malfeasance at catching good honest, practical action into ideas and County, the County discipline Inspr a gang two accountability responsibilities. Early each year organize conferences, in charge of the leadership, departments, units of the town clean and studied anti-corruption work deployments, according to a gang dual accountability requirements, clear roles and responsibilities for members of the leading body of the Party Committee, put a gang two accountability targets, develop work plans, organizations honest responsibility, urged the team members to actively fulfil a gang double duty.   Urged the first responsibility of grass-roots party branch secretaries to perform duties, efforts to form a team in unison, and the linkage of the work of the Party Committee. 3. pay close attention to the construction of a clean and honest government regulations implemented. Conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted, really formed by system in politics, according to the rules, effective mechanisms for the management of the system. First, build and improve the conversation reminded party members and cadres education system, auditing system of cadres, 18, for the full implementation of responsibility of uncorrupted to provide favorable institutional safeguards. Second, persist in combining focused inspections and special inspections, paying careful att