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三年级英语上册 Module 7 Unit 2 What's that教案 外研版(三起)-外研版小学三年级上册英语教案.doc

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三年级英语上册 Module 7 Unit 2 What's that教案 外研版(三起)-外研版小学三年级上册英语教案.doc

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三年级英语上册 Module 7 Unit 2 What's that教案 外研版(三起)-外研版小学三年级上册英语教案.doc


文档介绍:Unit 2 What’s that?
able to understand and say the new words,square,circle, triangle and rectangle verych the words : square, rectangle.  (CAI)
T: How about one triangle and one triangle?
S1: Maybe two triangles.
Help the Ss: It’s a square.(设计意图: 学科整合,通过两个相同的三角形组合会形成一个新的图形,这样开动了学生的脑筋,活跃了思维)
T: How about one square and one square?
Ss: Maybe two squares.
(T put two squares on the blackboard.)
T: What shape is it?        
Help the  Ss: It’s a rectangle, a blue rectangle.
(Put four rectangles on the blackboard.)
3) Teach the word: circle
(Take out a piece of color paper from the box.)
T: What’s this?      Help the Ss: It’s a piece of paper.
T: What shape is it?                Ss: It’s a square.
T: What can I do with this piece of paper?
 (Fold the paper, then takes out and cut it.)
T:  What shape is it now?      
 Help the  Ss: It’s a circle. It’s a pink circle.
(T. takes out three circles from the box.)
T: How many circles?               Ss: Three circles.
(Put the three circles on the blackboard.)
( 设计意图:奥运五环的引入,让课堂更具活力。 )
T:  How many circles can you see? What colour is it?
Ss:  Five circles. The first circle is blue.…
4)Teach the word: star.
(Take out a piece of color paper from the box)
 T: What shape is it?         Help the  Ss: It’s a square.
  (T. fold and cut it)
  T: What shape is it now?     Help the Ss: It’s a star,a blue star.


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