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文档介绍:1 高东投资指南 GAO Dong Investment Guide 高东概况 S urvey of Gaodong 高东镇位于浦东新区东北部,长江入海口的东海之滨,东与长兴岛、横沙岛隔江相望,南与曹路镇接壤,西与外高桥保税区和高行镇毗邻,北与高桥镇交界。高东镇由原高东镇和原杨园镇在 2000 年合并而成, 总面积 平方公里,下辖 14 个行政村和 11 个居委,户籍人口 万,外来流动人口约 7 万。(高东区位图、高东现状图 Current s ituation chart ) Gaod ong Town is located in the northeast of Pudong New Area, sited by the Yangtze River estuary on the seashore of East China Sea , facing the Changxing Island and Hengsha Island across the river , the south side is bounded by Caolu Town,adjacents Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone and Gaohang town in the west,borders Gaoqiao town in the north. Gaodong Town was formed by merging the former Gaodong Town and former Yangyuan Town in 2000. T he total area is sq km, and administraters 14 administrative villages and 11 mittees,the population through household register is 35 000,and the floating population is about 70000. 近几年,高东镇经济保持平稳、健康、持续的发展势头,各项主要经济指标按照确定目标扎实推进,每年经济总量、税收呈快速发展态势。 2008 年全镇实现经济总收入 250 亿元, 2000 年 亿元; 2008 实现工业总产值 115 亿元, 2000 年 亿元; 2008 年实现增加值 42 亿元, 2000 年 亿元; 2008 年完成税收 亿元, 2000 年 亿元; 2 2008 年实现财政收入 亿元, 2000 年 亿元。(柱状图 Histogram ) In recent years , Gaodong economy maintained a sustained, rapid and sound development ,e ach major economic target advance d solidly according to the determination goal . Every year the economic output and the tax revenue assume a fast development momentum . In 2008 the entire town realize d the economical gross e 25 billion y uan, in 2000 it was billion y uan; In 2008 realize d the gross industrial output billion y uan, in 2000 it was 1,38 billion yu an ;In 2008 realize d the increase for billion y uan, in 2000 it was 0. 491 billion y uan; In plete d the tax revenue for 1. 17 billion y uan, in 2000 it was 81 million y uan; In 2008 realizes the financial revenue y uan, in 2000 it was 70 million y uan. 区位交通 Location & Transportation 高东镇地理位置优越,交通便利,区域及周边有“三横三纵”的市政骨干公路。“三横”即航津路、洲海路、五洲大道, “三纵”即杨高路、外环线、华东路。沪崇苏越江隧桥建成通车,浦东铁路即将建设,我


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