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文档介绍:Lecture monly Used Translation Methods(1) Lecturer: Translation Theory & Practice (2) Course No. 1400142 Methods are not all, but you ’ ll be more resourceful when equipped with more. Commonly Used Translation Methods(1) Equipment with translation methods helps open our mind and widen our field of vision in our work. Today: conversion of parts of speech; proper amplification and reduction; shift between affirmative and negative expressions; translation of passive meaning. 1. Conversion of parts of speech Conversion into nouns (1) 展望未来,对中国经济的发展,完全可以持乐观态度。 Cf. 1: When one looks into the future, one may have good reason to be optimistic about China ’ s economic development. 2: A look into the future may very well justify one ’ s optimism about China ’ s economic development.( v.–n.) (coming closer to the original meaning and form) (2) 我们要顺乎潮流, 合乎民意,为建立和发展两国的建设性战略伙伴关系而不断向前迈进。 We should , going along with the trend of the times and responding to the will of the people, continue our march towards the establishment and development of a constructive strategic partnership between our two countries. ( v. – n. ) (3) 春天, 鲜花盛开,校园里空气中弥漫着芳香, 沁人心脾, 分外令人舒畅。 The air of the campus perfumed by spring flowers in full bloom gives you a feeling of exceptionally fort . ( adj. – n.) Also: With spring flowers perfuming in full bloom, the air of the campus gives you a feeling of exceptionally fort . (4) 按照北京市制定的新世纪战略发展规划, 2010 年,北京率先在全国基本实现现代化。 According to the strategic plan Beijing has formulated for its development in the new century , Beijing will be the first city in mainland China to realize initial modernization in 2010. ( adv. – n. ) (5) 以信息化带动产业化,发挥后发优势,实现社会生产力的跨越式发展。 1. 2 Conversion into verbs We will promote IT-driven industrialization and give play to advantage of ers / late starters so as to expand productive forces by leaps and bounds. (n. – v.) (6) 中国的畜牧业(除牛奶、羊毛外)将是入世后主要的农业受益行业。 China ’ s animal husbandry, excluding dai


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