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文档介绍:中化化肥有限公司参考学****资料中化化肥有限公司全心全意为中国农民服务全国免费服务电话: 800-810-9991 上传者联系方式电子信箱: doexcel@ 1 IFA 化肥术语(中英对照) 一、肥料施用及相关词汇一年施肥一次每年都供给作物每年所需肥料的体系(而不是更久的时间间隔)。 Annual application A system in which the annual fertilizer requirements of the crop are given each year (rather than at longer intervals). 防结块处理与肥料结合的物质或者颗粒肥料表面处理能够防结块 Anti-caking agent Substance incorporated in or applied as surface treatment to granular fertilizer to prevent caking. 施用包括把肥料施用在地里、作物、草地、森林等 Application General term for putting fertilizer on fields, crops, grassland, forests etc …施用率单位面积施用肥料的重量(液体肥料通常为体积) Application rate Weight of fertilizer (for liquids often volume) applied per unit area. 秋季施肥在冬季播种之前施肥,通常磷钾肥和部分氮肥作为基肥。 Autumn fertilization Application of fertilizers before the winter sowing, frequently as basic PK fertilization, also asN stater fertilization. 施肥肥料的施用 Dressing An application of fertilizer. 肥料灌溉在灌溉水中溶解入化肥 Fertigation Application of fertilizer dissolved in irrigation water. 施肥施用肥料来促进作物生长和提高土壤肥力的任何或所有方面. Fertilization Any or all aspects of the use of fertilizers to improve crop growth and soil fertility. 施肥计划考虑了所有的相关作物、土壤和气候因素以后,为某块地、某一作物制定的完整的施肥推荐 Fertilizer plan The field-by-field and crop-by-crop fertilizer mendations for plete farm arrived at after consideration of all relevant crop, soil and climatic factors. 推荐施肥对施用肥料类型以及施用量的建议。考虑土壤分析和/ 或其他作物和土壤信息。 Fertilizer mendation Advice on specified type and amount of fertilizer to be applied taking account of soil analysis and/or other information on the crop and soil. 注入与肥料一起混合或喷施少量的微量元素、杀虫剂、杀菌剂。一般在大批混合的时候使用,也可以用在使用过程中允许肥料注入的设备。 Impregnation Mixing or spraying a small amount ofa micronutrient, herbicide, fungicide or insecticide with or ona fertilizer. Normally carried out during bulk blending operations but also by using equipment that permits impregnation of the fertilizer during application. 结合肥料施用于土壤表面的耕作措施就是与土壤混合。 Incorporation Cultural operation by which fertilizer applied to the surface of the soil is mixed with the soil. 注入将肥料以注入的方式施入土壤表层以下;


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