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文档介绍:青岛理工大学琴岛学院毕业论文(设计) I 摘要智能售货机是一种新型的商业化售卖模式,自 20 世纪 70 年代从日本,欧洲和美国发展起来。智能售货机又被大家译之为二十四小时微型便利店。大家可以通过智能售货机买到自己所想要的各种东西,智能售货机能够实现商品的需求化,特性的多样化的发展,给大家的生活带来巨大的便利。从智能售货机的发展形势来看,他的出现是因为劳动紧密型的产业结构至技术紧密型社会迈进的产物。更多的生产、更多的消费以及消费方式和销售模式的改变,要求出现新的货物流通渠道; 然而相对于超市,百货大楼等新的货物流通渠道的产生,劳动人员费用的不断提升;再加上占用土地的局限性和购物的方便性这些因素的约束,智能自动售货机作为一种必备的机器便因此而流行。本论文介绍了智能自动售货机的基本工作原理和工作过程,主要是采用了西门子 S7-30 0型 PL C 的梯形图来设计控制各个程序并具体解释了可编程控制器在智能售货机中重要的作用。此程序用到了智能自动售货机工作中绝大多部分的过程。利用了 PLC 控制的智能自动售货机提高了系统的稳定性,并能保证智能自动售货机能够长期稳定的运行。关键词: 智能自动售货机;梯形图;定时器;外部接线图青岛理工大学琴岛学院毕业论文(设计) II Abstract Intelligent vending machine isa new type mercial sale mode, since 1970s from Japan, Europe and the United States to develop. Intelligent vending machine and was translated as twenty-four hour Mini convenience store. You can buy all kinds of things we want through the intelligent vending machine, intelligent vending machine can realize the demand modities, the characteristics of diversified development, bring great convenience to people's life. From the development situation of the intelligent vending machine, his appearance is the result of the close industrial structure to the technology close society. More production, more consumption and consumption patterns and sales model change, new channel the flow of goods; however with respect to the supermarket, department store and soon new goods distribution channels, rising labor costs; and occupied the land limit constraint factors such as sex and shopping convenience, intelligent automatic vending machine asa necessary machine was so popular. This paper introduces the basic principle and working process of the intelligent automatic vending machine, mainly uses the Siemens S7-300 PLC ladder diagram to design control procedures at all and the specific interpretation of the programmable controller in intelligent vending machines in the important role. The procedures used in the process of intelligent vending machine in the most part of the work. By using the intelligent PLC control of