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文档介绍:2010 年3月 16日[98] A check line is ______. safety line attached toa man working over the side B. used to measure water depth C. used to slow the headway ofa barge D. used to measure the overhead height ofa bridge KEY: C止荡绳用来缩短大船与驳船间的距离。 A check line 止荡缆 headway 时间间隔[100] A chock ______. A. isa deck fitting used to shackle gear to the deck B. permits easy jettisoning of deck cargo in an emergency C. prevents stress concentration in the bulwark D. provides openings through the bulwark for mooring lings KEY: D导缆口是为了缆绳通过舷墙的开口。[101] A chock isa ______. A. deck fitting used to secure mooring lings B. casting fitted at the side ofa weatherdeck, used asa fairlead C. sharp block of wood used to support hygroscopic cargo D. smoke pipe for the galley stove KEY: B导缆器是固定在露天甲板舷边的,用来导缆。[111] mon class of wire rope used for mooring is the 6x19 class. What does the 6 represent? A. Factor of safety B. Number of wires per strand C. Number of strands per wire rope D. Number of wires in the core KEY: C系泊用的普通种类钢丝绳是 6x19 。6代表每根钢丝绳的股数。[125] A deck fitting, used to secure line or wire rope, consisting ofa single body with two protruding horns is called a ______. bitt B. bollard C. capstan D. Cleat KEY: D用来系缆或钢丝绳的两个突出角质组成的甲板装配式系索耳羊角。[143] A fiber towing hawser is readied for service by ______. A. spooling it ona winch cathead B. coiling it ina counterclockwise direction on the fantail C. faking it on


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