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文档介绍:# 352# 中国卫生工程学 2009年 12 月第 8卷第 6期 Ch in ese Jou rnal of Pub licH ealth E ngineering Dec1 2009, V ol1 8 No1 6
刘跃坤(吉林市疾病预防控制中心, 吉林吉林 132001)
=摘要> 目的建立啤酒中甲醛测定的新方法。方法采用凯氏定氮蒸馏装置代替蒸汽蒸馏装置从啤酒
中提取甲醛, 并对水浴温度进行改进。结果新建立的方法 RSD 为 11 8% ~ 312% , 加标回收率为 96% ~ 103% , 具
有良好的线性范围, r= 01999 7。结论该方法精密度好, 准确度高, 适用于啤酒中甲醛的测定。
=关键词> 啤酒; 甲醛; 测定方法
1中图分类号 2 R155; O 65713 1文献标识码 2 A 1文章编号 2 1671-4199( 2009) 06-0352-03
Determ ination M ethod for Form ald ehyde in B eer of National S tandard s
LIU Yue - kun1J ilin M unicipal Center for D isease Con tro l and P reven tion, J ilin J ilin 132001, China
= Abstract> O bjective T o establish a new me thod fo r determ ination o f form a ldehyde in beer based on national stand-
a rds1M eth ods K jeldahl distillation un it and vacuum distillation un its replaced steam unit fo r ex trac ted from the fo rm alde-
hyde in beer based on the national standa rds, and improved the w ater bath tem pera ture1R esu lts The relative standard de-
v iation of the new m ethod was 11 8% - 31 2% , the recovery rate was 96% - 103% w ith a good linear rang e, co rre lation co-
e fficient w as 01 999 71Conclusion T hism e thod has the characteristic of good prec is ion and high accuracy for the de term -i
nation of form a ldehyde in bee r1
= K ey words> Beer; F orm a ldehy; De term ination m ethod
啤酒中甲醛的测定是发酵酒中卫生指标之一。瓶接收, 外置 1