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文档介绍:“主语+ 谓语”,如果将谓语的一部分或全部放在主语之前,这种语序叫倒装。 ; ; . 倒装的种类 :将句子的主语和谓语完全颠倒过来。常见的完全倒装结构 ,then,here,there,away,off, in, out, down, up, next 等副词位于句首,谓语是 go, come, rush, run 等不及物动词时,主语和谓语倒装。 Here is some advice. es the bus. es your turn. Down from the top of the mountain runs the waterfall Away flew the birds. There lived an old fisherman in the village. There stand two white houses by the river. There existed some doubt among the students. 2. 表示地点的介词短语位于句首,谓语是 exist, appear, stand, sit, lie, sleep 等不及物动词时,主语和谓语倒装。 On the top of the hill stand two trees. 注意在完全倒装的结构里, 如果主语是人称代词, 则用正常语序。 Out she went. 她走了。 Here we are. 我们到了。 3.“表语(形容词/v-ed/v-ing/ 介词短语/)+ 连系动词+主语”结构。 Lucky is she who was admitted toa famous university last year. 她很幸运,去年被一所名牌大学录取。 Gone are the days when he was looked down upon. 他被人看不起的日子一去不复返了。 Present at the meeting are some well-known scientists. 一些知名的科学家出席了会议。 Outside the doctor ’s clinic were 20 patients. Covering much of the earth's surface isa blanket of water. 覆盖地球大部分表面的是水。 Also discussed were the problems we had met with in our studies. 同时还讨论了我们在学****中碰到的问题。 First to unfold was the map of the world. 首先要打开的是世界地图。 II .部分倒装:只将连系动词 be 、助动词或情态动词移至主语之前,谓语的其他部分仍保留在主语的后面。( do, does, did, am, is, are, was, were, will, shall, would , should, have, has, had, can, could, may, might, must, dare, need, ought to 等) 常见的部分倒装结构 1. 含有否定意义