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文档介绍:Charlie Chaplin Born Charles Spencer Chaplin 16 April 1889(1889 -04-16) Walworth , London, England Died 25 December 1977 (aged 88) Vevey , Switzerland Occupation Actor, film director, film producer, screenwriter, composer, mime Years active 1895 – 1976 ? Charlie Chaplin was an English comic actor and film director of the silent film era. He became one of the best-known film stars in the world before the end of the First World War .? Chaplin used mime , slapstick and other edy routines, and continued well into the era of the talkies , though his films decreased in frequency from the end of the 1920s. ? Chaplin was one of the most creative and influential personalities of the silent-film era. ? His working life in entertainment spanned over 75 years, from the Victorian stage and the Music Hall in the United Kingdom as a child performer, until close to his death at the age of 88. ? His high-profile public and private life passed both adulation and controversy. Early life in London(1889-1909) ? Charles Spencer Chaplin was born on 16 April 1889, in East Street , Walworth , London, England. His parents were both entertainers in the music hall tradition. ? His father was a vocalist and an actor and his mother was a singer and an actress who went by the stage name Lilly separated before Charlie was three. He learned singing from his parents. Chaplin's father was an alcoholic and had little contact with his son. First years in the United States (1910 – 1916) ? Chaplin first toured the United States with the Fred Karno troupe (卡尔诺哑剧剧团) from 1910 to 1912. After five months back in England, he returned to the . for a second tour. ? In late 1913, Chaplin ‘ s act with the Karno Troupe was seen by Mack t , Mabel Normand , Minta Durfee , and Fatty Arbuckle . t hired him for his studio, the Keystone pany . ? Chaplin had considerable initial difficulty adjusting to the demands of film acting an


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