与交换机建立连接即进入 quit断开与交换机连接 系统视图 配置系统参数 [Quidway]
在用户视图下键入system-view qui
[Quidway] user-interface aux
[Quidway-ui-aux0] screen-length 30
表2-3 设置 吩咐行在线协助
l 完全协助
l 局部协助
(1) 在任一视图下,键入获得该视图下全部的吩咐及其简洁描述。
Monitor view commands:
debugging Enable system debugging functions
display Display running system information
quit Exit from current command view
reboot Reset slot
reset Reset all ethernet interfaces counter information
save Save current configuration
super Enter the monitor view with specified priority level
system-view Enter the system view
undo Cancel current setting
(2) 键入一吩咐,后接以空格分隔的“?”,假如该位置为关键字,那么列出全部关键字及其简洁描述。
display ?
current-configuration Current configuration
diagnostic-information System information for diagnosis
hgmp Hgmp information
interface Interface status and configuration information
link-aggregation Ports aggregation mode
mac-address Configure MAC address
memory Display mem info
monitor Display the monitor port
qos-info Display Qos information
saved-configuration The saved configuration information
version System hardware and software version information
vlan Vlan configuration information
(3) 键入一字符串,其后紧接,列出以该字符串开头的全部吩咐。
Monitor view commands:
debugging Enable system debugging functions
(4) 键入一吩咐,后接一字符串紧接,列出吩咐以该字符串开头的全部关键字。
display ver?
第 6 页