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Metronic 框架技术学习.docx

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Metronic 框架技术学习.docx

上传人:luyinyzhi 2017/2/24 文件大小:1.23 MB


Metronic 框架技术学习.docx


文档介绍:Metronic BootStrap Bootstrap 是 *** 推出的一个开源的用于前端开发的工具包。它由 *** 的设计师 Mark Otto 和 Jacob Thornton 合作开发, 是一个 CSS/HTML 框架。 Bootstrap 提供了优雅的 HTML 和 CSS 规范, 它即是由动态 CSS 语言 Less 写成。 Bootstrap 一经推出后颇受欢迎, 一直是 GitHu b 上的热门开源项目,包括 NASA 的 MSNBC (微软全国广播公司)的 Breaking News 都使用了该项目。***@see / /< 中文> 扩展资源: https:///?page=1 ### 资源整合### s/26653 ### Table ### http://exacttarget./fuelux/#datagrid ### Tooltip 弹出框### 2/12/10/in-place-editing-with-***-bootstrap-and-jquery/ ### 弹出框### http://jschr./bootstrap-modal/ ### BootStrap&Metro ### http://ace-subido./css3-microsoft-metro-buttons/ ### Form Validation ### /files/jQuery-Validate-Demo/ ### 拖动设计页面工具### http://bootstrap-forms./ ### 打字效果### http://cosmos./typer- 优秀的 Template http://themes./?theme=supr-fixed DataPicker tstrap-datepicker/ ### WordPree-BootStrap ### /wpbs/features/ BootStrap 资源整合 ic/1124689 ### ### http://blog./2012/08/20/bootstrap-2-1-0-released/ 定制 BootStrap 控件&样式 https:/// /previews/WB00958H8/ *** Bootstrap Colorpicker and Datepicker tstrap-datepicker/ ### Date Range Picker### o/2012/08/20/a-date-range-picker-for-***-bootstrap/ JQuery Core and Plugins JQuery Core JQuery isa fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers. With bination of versatility and extensibility, jQuery has changed the way that millions of people write JavaScript. ***@see http://api./ S elector Get the <button> element with the class 'continue' and change its HTML to 'Next Step...' $( "" ).html( "Next Step..." ) Event Show the #banner-message element that is hidden with display:none in its CSS when any button in #button-container is clicked. var hiddenBox = $( "#banner-message" ); $( "#button-container button" ).on( "click", function( event ){ (); }); Ajax Call a local script on the server /api/ge