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Python 文档.doc

上传人:yixingmaoj 2017/2/24 文件大小:476 KB


Python 文档.doc


文档介绍:Re fer ence Tab les Python Ke ywo r ds T able lists Python ’s keywords. T able Python Keywords a and as b assert c break class continue def del elif else except exec finally for from global if import in is lambda not or pass print raise return try while with b yield d None e keyword obsoleted in Python . b. New in Python . c. New in Python . d. New in Python . e. Not a keyword but made a constant in Python . Python Standa rd Ope r ato rs and Functions Python 标准操作符与函数 T able represents the operators and (built-in and factory) functions that can be used with most standard Python objects as well as use r -defined objects in which you have implemented their corresponding special methods. T able Standa rdT ype Operators and Functions Operator/function Description Resul t a String representation ‘‘ Evaluatable string representation str Built-in and factory functions cmp( obj1, obj2 ) Compares two objects int repr( obj ) Evaluatable string representation str str( obj ) Printable string representation str type( obj ) Object type type T able Standa rdT ype Operators and Functions (conti n ued) operator/function Description Resul t a V parisons < Less than bool > Greater than bool <= Less than or equal to bool >= Greater than or equal to bool == Equal to bool != Not equal to bool <> Not equal to bool parisons is The same as bool is not Not the same as bool Boolean operators not Logical negation bool and Logical conjunction bool or Logical disjunction bool a. parisons return either True orFalse . Numeric T ype Ope r ato rs and Functions 数字类型操作符与函数 T able represents the operators and (built-in and factory) functions that apply to Python ’s numeric objects. T able Operators and Built-in Functions f or All Numeric T ypes Operator/ built-in Description int long plex Resul t a abs() Absolute value ???? number a chr() Character ?? str ( continued ) T able Operators and Built-in Functions f or All Numeric T ypes (conti n ued) Op


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