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文档介绍:British Political System 1. Monarchy 2. Parliament 3. Government 4. 5. Political Parties 6. General Election Constitutional Monarchy The King or Queen is the personification of the State. ? An old-fashioned government ? On the basis of constitutional monarchy ? Head of state: the king or queen ? In practice: the Sovereign reigns, but does not rule. I. A Brief Introduction The present Sovereign: Queen Elizabeth II since 1952 Charles is the heir to the throne. Prince William Arthur Philip Louis Windsor and Prince William The Royal Family 1. Gives effects to all laws as the head of the executive branch of the government 2. May pardon criminal offences and cancel punishments 3. mander-in-chief of the armed forces and the temporal head of the Church of England The Power of the Queen 4. Confers all titles of rank, and appoints judges, army officers, governors, bishops and diplomats 5. Concludes treaties, declares war, and makes peace with other nations The Importance of Monarchy 1. Effects on public attitude 3. A symbol of national unity 4. Preserves the human rights and property 2. Represents the political continuity and adaptability The Royal Duties Visits many parts of Britain Pays state visits to foreign countries Tours other Common- wealth countries


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