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文档介绍:四驱车模型车轮注塑模具设计及型腔仿真加工摘要: 为了提高产品的生产效率和质量,本课题采用国标设计了用于生产四驱车模型车轮的注塑模具。本套模具采用一模四腔对称分布,一次注塑成型可产生四件产品,大大提高生产效率。塑件结构简单,采用单分型面一次性成型设计,模具动作简单,成型效率高,加工的塑件精度较高。本套模具凸模设计采用模板与型芯孔轴配合式,大型芯插入动模板,形成凸模与动模板闭合,形成闭合型腔。这种嵌入式凸模不但减小加工难度,而且便于模具的检修、更换。整套模具共设有 16根小型芯, 兼有导柱作用,防止开模时偏载现象发生,因此只需设计两根直导柱。定模板上设有简单的冷却水道,调节温度,保证注塑成形质量。模具加工根据加工工艺要求, 采用工序高度集中原则,模板铣削加工多在一端面完成,仿真加工采用 PRO/E 的加工制造模块,自动生成数控加工程序清单。整套模具虽结构简单,却设计合理,达到设计要求。关键词: 注塑模具;校核;仿真加工 The design ofm odel of 4WD wheel and the simulation processing of the injection mold cavity Abstract: In order to improve the producing efficiency of products. This topic used in injection mold manufacturing 4WD models wheel designed by GB . This set of mold has four cavity mold with a symmetrical distribution . This mold can produce four pieces of products enery times , which improv ing production efficien cy. The single parting line is designed because of the simple structure of products. Furthermore,the simple die movement makes high producting efficiency and h igh-precision . Specially, this set of mold use the bined by the large core and moving harf. The large core inserts in the hole in the moving harf,which formating closed cavity. Therefore,the special punch is easily produced and is conviently checked and mold has toally 16 little cores which play a role of guide pillar. a cooling water channel, is produced in the matrix,adjusting the temprature and imprving the produts qudlity. "three carddesign" and h ighly centralized process principle is adopted during the processing according to the processing requirements .In addtion, The simulation process is fdinished by PRO/E processing module with the formation of the NC machining program list . In spite of simple structure of mold, r ational design meet the designing requirement. Key words: Injection mould ; Verification ; Machining simulation 目录 1绪论................................................................................................................................... 1 概述.......


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