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上传人:文库旗舰店 2022/4/27 文件大小:1.49 MB




文档介绍:壮族服饰文化欣赏 —黑衣壮
Appreciation of the costume culture of
壮族服饰文化欣赏 —黑衣壮
Appreciation of the costume culture of
Zhuang nationality
——The Black-Clothes Zhuang
Who comes from zhuang nationality in our class?
Can you tell us something about the characteristics of the costumes of Zhuang nationality?
Today I choose the most famous black-cloth zhuang to introduce zhuang costume
Black—cloth Zhuang is one of the divisions of Zhuang nationality. People here have a particular lifestyle and culture heritage. Their cloth looks attractive , although it mainly has one color, black.
A story is going about that long time ago people here were set upon by a band of robbers, The leader of the tribe leaded the people to engage the enemy, but unfortunately, he was wounded. So he escaped to a mountain forest and tried to use a plant to stop bleeding. Fortunately, this plant stopped the blood smoothly and saved his life.
After the war, the villagers transplanted the plant to the village in honour of it has saved the leader’s life. And then they used this plant to dye their dress. So their cloth is black.
Immerse the plant in water
Dyeing a white cloth blue
and then turn black
Dyeing the cloth,
Any woman in here can do it.
The girl was weaving on her loom.
Every girl had been taught to weave as a child.
The technology heritage from generation to generation
Their hood is very beautiful !
Their shoes are delicate!
Thank you!


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