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Decide whether the following statements are True (T)or False(F).l.(2 分)The Pilgrim' s Progress is o characters in the novels
were no longer common people, but the kings and nobles. ()参考答案:错误
(2 分)The main literary form in literature of Revolution Period is drama. ()参考答案:错误
(2 分)Gulliver' s Travels is a vivid and satirical picture of Vanity Fair which is the symbol of London at the time of Restoration. ( )参考答案:错误
(2 分)With the establishment of the bourgeois dictatorship, Charles II became the Protector of the English Commonwealth. ( )参考答案:错误
(2 分)The Enlightenment was a progressive intellectual movement throughout Western Europe in the 18th century.( )参考答案:正确
(2 分)In the first part of Robinson Crusoe, the hero is cast upon the shore of the island of Lilliput.()参考答案:错误
(2 分)Henry Fielding is a master satirist, and his irony is deadly. But his satire is masked by an outward gravity, and apparent calmness conceals his bitter irony. This makes his satire all the more powerful, as shown in his A Modest Proposal. ( )参考答案:错误
(2 分)Robert Burns is remembered mainly for his songs written in the English dialect on a variety of subjects. ( )参考答案:错误
单选题Choose the best .(2 分)Which of the following is not written by Ernest Hemingway, one of the best-known American authors of the 20th century?
The Sun Also Rises.
The Old Man and the Sea.
Mosses From the Old MansFarewell to Arms.
参考答案:c(2 分)The great sea adventure story Moby-Dick is usually considered.
a symbolic voyage of the mind in quest of the truth and knowledge of the universan adventurous exploration into man' s relationship with nature
a simple whaling tale or sea adventurea symbolic voyage of the mind in quest of the artistic truth and beauty 参考答案:B
(2 分)About the novel The Scarlet Letter, which of the following statements is NOT right?
lt' s very hard to say that it is a love story or a story of sin.
lt' s a highly symbolic story and the author is a master of symbolism.
lt' s
