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上传人:cjc201601 2017/2/26 文件大小:99 KB




文档介绍:英语诗歌朗诵比赛主持词 T: Good evening, my dear teachers and friends. M: Youth is beautiful. Youth is full of dreams, enthusiasm and romantic. F: As the young generation of the new century, we are full of pride and enthusiasm; we are full of vigor and spirit--- the spirit that has been passed on from our older generation. M: On May 4th ,1919, a loud thunder broke through the silent sky, people of the world saw a brilliant sunrise in the east of the globe. F: Up to now, eighty- five years has passed, but the [ 办公之家-]spirit of May 4th Movement stays with us. M: Democracy and science well get rise in this new era, an era of the knowledge economy. F: Let’s go on the cause of the May 4th. On this 85th anniversary of the May 4th, let us carry forward the spirit of the May 4th Movement, work willingly hard, and devote ourselves whole-heartedly. M: To share the ettable memories of our great pioneers in history, let’s celebrate the festival of our youth in our own way- the way marked with singing, dancing and acting. T: Let’s celebrate the May 4th spirit with poems, plays and speeches. --------------------------------------------------------- -------- F: In the new times, when we lo


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