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I. Key Terms: Matching
Match each term on the left with the most appropriate descrimes in ________.
3. ________ are lysosome-like vesicles containing waste products. They are thought to be
involved with cell ________.
4. Both ________ and ________ are thought to have arisen from endosymbiosis.
5. the cytoskeleton is composed of very fine ________, medium ________and larger ________. 6. Creeping and gliding cell movements are usually ________-dependent.

7. ________ behavior is shown when a cell moves toward or away from a chemical substances.
8. Flagella grow from the cell surface only at the ________. Ⅳ. Choice:
1. Most of the properties associated :with processes of life are properties of .
a. the nucleus b. DNA c. the cytoplasm d. endosymbionts e. none of the above 2. Ribosomes ________.
a. are organelles involved in protein synthesis. b. are the cell’s main energy source. c. are storage sites for starch
d. are involved in the breakdown of proteins e. store genetic information in the form of DNA 3. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) ________ a. lacks of ribosomes
b. is active in fat and steroid synthesis c. is involved in the oxidation of toxins d. all of the above e. none of the above
4. Ribosomens are manufactured in _____. a. cytoplasm b. nucleoli
c. mitochondria
d. smooth endoplasmic reticulum f. rough endoplasmic reticulum 5. Lysosomes contain ____. a. hydrolytic enzymes b. genetic material c. stored fats d. proteins

e. carbonhydrates
6. The process of phagocytosis involves _____. a. cacuolar engulfing of particulate matter b. exocytosis
c. intake of water by a cell’s vacuole
d. expu


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