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文档介绍:北美饮食文化 Group From 1020392 : Mark Iker Charles Taylor Domitri Cotton Candy ? Cotton candy, still have a kind of name marshmallow, just as its name implies, because of its shape and taste is very much like cotton get the name. ? So , what is the origin of the cotton candy like? ? Cotton candy is from ancient Egypt. By about two thousand years ago, the ancient egyptians from as a treatment for throat fort and digestive system of plant disease marshmallow roots suck out of juice, and the juice and honey mixture into a larynx sugar. Until the early eenth century, the marshmallow is introduced in France. The French cook found marshmallow slime mix with water will form the thick gel, and invented the marshmallow slime and syrup, protein, vanilla and a stirring seed cotton candy. Now, in order to save cost and easy to mass production, marshmallow slime has been replaced gelatin, e one of the main material of cotton candy. The present cotton candy sugar or corn syrup by, the protein, was stirring water softening gelatin, synthesis of vanilla and stabilizer made of candy. The kinds of cotton candy · There are two kings of cotton candy. ? The first kind is refers to the market on a soft candy, loose porous, and has a certain flexibility and tenacity, for taste and texture and cotton similar the name. ↓↓↓↓↓? The other is a characteristic sweets, will the