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Qing Ming is a time to remember the dead and the dearly departed. More important, it isor them silently in my heart, bless them on the other side of the heaven and we can live happily.
In a flash, grandpa has been dead for four years. Grandpa died due to illness, when the time is still very young, I vaguely remember some of the pictures I played with my grandfather when I was young, I can not help but feel a bit more missing and sad.
One day the grave would end this way. On this special day, I realize the value of life.
Unconsciously to the countryside. Country's air is fresh, green vegetables growing gratifying; delicate willow in the breeze kept the nod, I do not know is Jisao welcome pedestrians, or approval; crystal clear river, as huge silver side mirror Braving a group of small fish swim over the water, suddenly the silence broke into ripples a Road surface corrugated. Granny came, the old man's grave, we prepared paper money, gold ingots and other ritual objects are placed in a bag, so Grandpa and Grandma Jisao. The fire was large, reflecting our flushed. Burn paper money, we turn to the old woman and the old man bowed bow. My turn, my silent prayer: Please Granny, the old man blessed me to learn and progress, every day happy to be a four good teenagers. Naughty little brother bow when the tummy