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文档介绍:Page 1 of 102 英语期末冲刺 100 分四年级下册过关测试密卷听力部分( 30 分) 1 一、选出你所听到的单词。(5 分) () 1. A. ususally B. sometimes C. often () . wash B. teeth C. brush () 3. A. once B. face () . comes B. times C. combs () . homework B. breakfast C. schoolbag 二、听句子,选出正确的选项。(5 分) () 1. ____ do you usually get up ? A. When B. Then C. Where () 2. ____ brushes her teeth once a day. A. Ann B. Wum C. She () 3. It’ s seven ____ .It’ s time for school. A. thirteen B. thirty C. three () 4. Tim is Student of the Year. He must have very good ____ . A. manners B. habits C. lessons () 5. Susan doesn ’ t go to school on ______ . A. Sunday B. Thursday C. Saturday 三、根据所听短语为下列图片排序。( 10 分) 写作业梳头刷牙扫地整理衣服()()()()() 四、选出你所听到的句子。() 1. A. pat waters the plants seven times a week. B. pat washes her face three times a week. C. pat sets the table three timse a week. Page 2 of 102 () 2. A. What do you do in the morning ? B. What do you do before you go to school? C. How often do you make the bed ? () 3. A. Tom ’ s aunt gets up late. B. Tom ’ s aunt gets up early. C. Tom ’ s aunt gets up at six thirty. () 4. A. After that, I hang up my coat. B. Next, I put on my coat. C. Then, I hang up my coat. () 5. usually brush my teeth first. usually brush my teeth once a day. usually get up early in the morning. 笔试部分( 70 分) 一、按要求写单词。(5 分) 1. tooth (复数)_____ 2. always (近义词)_____ 3. wash (单三形式)_____ 4. late (反义词)_____ 5. habit (复数)_____ 二、汉译英。( 10 分) 1. 洗脸_____ 2. 梳头______ 3. 整理书包____ 4. 洗碗________ 5. 挂起衣服________ 三、单项选择。( 5 分) () usually ____ the table in the evening. A. finish C. make () 2. ____ do you get up? A. What B. How often C. When Page 3 of 102 () 3. Tom, ____ your clothes. A. wear B. put on C. have on () 4. It’ s seven thirty. Its time ___ school. A. for B. of C. to () 5. How often _____ Betty ____ the bed ? A. do; make B. does; makes C. does; make 四、连词成句。( 10 分) 1. get six up the I at in morning (.) 2. times the sets three table week a he (.) 3. do evening what you in do the (?) 4. day s


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