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Dear _,
Since learning to read from a very young age, litert Atwood. I enjoy discussing literature and attend a fortnightly reading group at school, which has continued to increase my understanding and enjoyment of the classics and introduced me to several significant modern works. Being able to hold discussions in French has also given me great personal satisfaction. I enjoy my conversation classes with the language assistant and I recently went on a French exchange to Compiegne. This experience was hugely beneficial in improving my understanding and speaking skills. I spent the week completely immersed in French language and culture; my confidence to speak increased enormously and I came love the country and its traditions all the more.
Outside school, I thoroughly enjoy my musical pursuits. I play the French Horn in a Youth Orchestra and intend to take my Grade 8 in 2007; I also sing in a Madrigal Choir. I perform in three to four concerts a year, including the school Christmas concert; this year I will be playing a movement from Mozart's fourth horn concerto. My interest in music has required good organisational skills, as I helped to run a choir at school for a competition. I thoroughly enjoyed this experience, and it allowed me to develop my leadership skills whilst working in a team. My duties as a