减肥是恒久的课题,一些人为了减肥费尽心机。节食,跑步,做瑜伽好像成为了减肥的必修课,然而有些减肥招数看似怪异,事实上却蛮有成效,我们一起来看看吧!egin would be your inbox. Your email is probably filled with clever tips, tricks and hacks on how to get rid of excess weight, sent to you in the form of newsletters. A Kaiser Permanente study has revealed that people who read weekly wellness newsletters are more likely to eat fewer trans fats.
Turn Off Your Lights
An Ohio State University study revealed that experiencing more darkness at night could make your body lighter. According to the study, mice that slept in total darkness were much less prone to obesity than those that slept in dim illumination or a bright light.
Watch Less TV
If we eat our meals when we are distracted, we tend to eat more, and therefore, consume more calories. The human body burns more calories while sleeping than watching TV.
Avoid Eating in Your Pajamas
According to research, the comfier you are while you eat, the more you tend to overeat. That doesnt mean that you should wear a three-piece suit while having your meals, but choose clothing that is a bit more form-fitting than pajamas, like yoga pants, leggings, tank tops etc. These clothes are comfortable, and also