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文档介绍:第1页 /总页数 10 页

1. M: take a look at this cat we had to talk.
W: Would you know this?
M: That’s first I was. We didn’t say much. Mr. Comona told some good stories about his experiences as a diplomat and he asked about my hobbies.
W: And what did you say?
M: Well, I didn’t tell him about my flying lessons. I told him about my chess play and my classical music collection.
W: Good idea! Her parents really approval of you. Don’t they?
M: I guess so. Marria called this morning and said,” My father told me he’ll like you sunny right now”
第4页 /总页数 10 页
W: That was great.
M: Not exactly. I want to get married after I graduated school in about three years.
Q9: what does the conversation about Marria’s father?
Q10:What does Marria and Erik do last Sunday afternoon?
Q11:What do we learn from Marria’s phone call this morning?
  Conversation 2
M:You’re going to wear out computer’s keyboard.
W: Oh, hi!
M: Do you have any idea what time it is?
W: About ten or ten thirty?
M: It’s merely midnight.
W: Really? I didn’t know it was so late.
M: Don’t you have an early class to teach tomorrow morning?
W: Yes, at seven o’clock, my computer class. The students go to work right after their lesson.
M: Then you ought to go to bed. What are you writing anyway?