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文档介绍:English Curriculum Standards for compulsory Education (2017-year Edition).
Ministry of Education of the people's Republ, learn advanced scientific and cultural knowledge, spread Chinese culture, and enhance their mutual communication and understanding with the young people of other countries.
It can also provide them with more opportunities for education and career development. Learning English can help them to form an open and tolerant character, to develop the awareness and ability of cross-cultural communication, to promote the development of thinking, to form a correct outlook on life, values and good humanities. Learning English can provide students with the ability to participate in knowledge innovation and scientific and technological innovation in the future, as well as lay the foundation for them to better adapt to the multi-polarization of the world, economic globalization and informationization in the future.
the nature of the curriculum.
The English curriculum at the stage of compulsory education is of the dual nature of instrumentality and humanism. As far as instrumentality is concerned, English curriculum undertakes the task of cultivating students' basic English literacy and developing their thinking ability, that is, students can master basic knowledge of English language and develop basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in English through English courses. Form the ability to communicate with others in English, further promote the development of thinking ability, for the future to continue to learn English and other relevant scientific and cultural knowledge in English to lay the foundation. As far as humanity is concerned, English curriculum undertakes the task of improving students' comprehensive humanistic quality, that is, students can broaden their horizons, enrich their life experiences, form cross-cultural consciousness, enhance their patriotism and develop their innovative ability through English courses. Form a good


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