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上传人:森森 2022/5/8 文件大小:35 KB




篇一:《疼惜环境 关爱生命》手抄报图片
“《疼惜环境 关爱生命》手抄报图片”下载方法:在图片上面点击右键,选择“图片另存为”即可。
7、《中华人民共和国野生动物爱护法》规定:制止出售、收购国家重点爱护野生动物或者产品。商业部规定,制止收购和以任何形式买卖国家 重点爱护动物及其产品(包括死体、毛皮、羽毛、内脏、血、骨、肉、角、卵、精液、胚胎、标本、药用局部等)。我国也是《濒危野生动植 物种国际贸易公约》和成员。
英文:Environmental Shouchao Bao Information
Green Tips
1, According to the survey, China has 700 million people drink excessive E. coli in water, 164 million people drink polluted water, the organic, nitrate exceeded 35 million people drink water.

2, buy environmentally friendly batteries - to prevent the mercury cadmium contamination. Batteries for everyday use a large number of heavy metal pollutants - cadmium, mercury and manganese. Abandoned in nature, these toxic substances from the battery will slowly Overflow into the soil or water, and then enter the human food chain through crops into the human food
chain. These toxic substances in the human body a long-term savings would be difficult to remove, damage to the nervous system, blood-gong Energy, kidney and bone, and some can also cause cancer.
3, the Antarctic ozone thinning over the speed of loss of 1% per day, empty like the
European range of the same size. According to the . EPA in the study, levels of ozone in the atmosphere is reduced by 1%, skin cancer Patients with an increase of 10 million people who suffer from cataracts and respiratory diseases will also increase.
4,1 trees 50 years of tree growth, through photosynthesis, produces a value of thousand . dollars per year in 2600 . dollars worth of oxygen and protein, while preventing air pollution ( thousand . dollars) , Conserving water, promoting water recycling ( thousand . dollars), to prevent soil erosion, increase soil fertility ( thousand . dol