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上传人:学习的一点 2022/5/9 文件大小:1.04 MB




文档介绍:2021 年 3 月第 8 卷第 3 期 世界睡眠医学杂志
ent of patients in the control group,through targeted individualized sleep care mode)and the control group(through con-
ventional care mode),which were composed of 30 patients after the patients′nursing,the nursing satisfaction of the family members
of the two groups was compared,and then the patients were treated to compare the total effective rate of the two :
The total satisfaction rate of the family members of the patients in the observation group was %(28 /30),18 were very satis-
fied,10 were satisfied,2 were dissatisfied,the total satisfaction rate of the family members of the patients in the control group was
%(21 /30),8 were very satisfied,12 were satisfied,9 were dissatisfied,the difference between the groups was significant
(P <),observation The total effective rate was %(27 /30)in the treatment group and %(20 /30)in the control
:To study the risk factors of sleep disorders in patients with cerebral palsy,to formulate targeted interventions for
the risk factors,to effectively improve the satisfaction of patients′families,and the total effective rate of treatment after treatment,it
is worth promoting and can be applied.
Keywords Children with cerebral palsy;Sleep disord


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