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文档介绍:关于女人[ 英语名人名言] A woman seldom asks advice before she has bought her wedding clothes. -- Joseph Addison I married beneath me. All women do. -- Lady Nancy Astor, attributed The trouble with some women is that they get all excited about nothing -- and then marry him. -- Cher Women: If they're not turning down your proposals for marriage, they're accusing you of suspicious behavior in the women's lingerie changing room. -- Cliff Clavin, character on "Cheers", . Television show Heav'n hath no rage like love to hatred turn'd, Nor Hell a fury, like a woman scorn'd. -- William Congreve Any intelligent woman who reads the marriage contract, and then goes into it, deserves all the consequences. -- Isadora Duncan All women are born evil. Some just realize their potential later in life than others. -- Chad A. Gamble, Escape , short story There is nothing so wrong in this world that a sensible woman can't set it right in the course of an afternoon. -- Giraudoux The society of women is the element of good manners. -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Jake liked his women the way he liked his kiwi fruit: sweet yet tart, firm-fleshed yet yielding to the touch, and covered with short brown fuzzy hair. -- Jonathan S. Haas The promises of maniacs, like those of women, are not safely relied upon. -- Joseph Heller, God Knows Woman was God's second mistake. -- Friedric


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