ABSTRACT: Establishment of Corporate safety culture is a new countermeasure toinsure the safety of corporate producing. It is not only a kind of new ideas and newstrategies, but also is a kind of base of preventing the happening of production accident.
Corporate safety culture provides new method for production safety.
Corporate safety culture is a new type of security management science in recentyears. It is a kind of innovation for the safety management style. Railway corporateshould pay high attention to the improvement of corporate safety culture, and strengthenthe establishment of corporate culture according to the features of pany itself, so
as to improve the petence of the corporate.
Establishment of Railway corporate culture is the basis to ensure the railway paper studies the theory of corporate safety culture prehensive evaluationmethods and use the method of analytic hierarchy process to build the index contains 22of the Railway Safety Culture Index system. Then, design the railway corporate culture evaluating model, and analyze the evaluation result, pointing out the weaknesses of
railway corporate safety culture. At last, use the model to evaluate the corporate safety culture of Xuzhou railway operation section, and give some suggestions for theimprovement of its safety culture establishment.
KEYWORDS: safety culture; the construction of the railway safety culture;evaluation
index system; evaluation model; Analytic Hierarchy Process