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文档介绍:四轴高速 PCB 钻铣床进给机构设计 I 本科毕业设计(论文) 题目四轴高速 PCB 钻铣床进给机构设计学生姓名专业班级学号院(系) 指导教师完成时间四轴高速 PCB 钻铣床进给机构设计 I 四轴高速 PCB 钻铣床进给机构设计摘要数控技术和数控装备是制造工业现代化的基础,这个基础是否牢固直接影响到一个国家的经济发展和综合国力,关系到国家的战略地位。本文介绍了四轴高速 PCB 钻铣床的一些基本概况,简述了机床主传动系统方面的原理和类型,分析了各种传动方案的机理。四轴高速 PCB 钻铣床主传动系统包括了主轴电动机、主轴传动系统和主轴组件三部分组成。本文详细介绍了四轴高速 PCB 钻铣床主传动系统的设计过程,该四轴高速 PCB 钻铣床主轴变速箱是靠同步带进行传动的,同步带传动综合了带、链和齿轮传动的优点,带的工作面呈齿形,与带轮的齿槽作啮合运动,使主、从带轮间作无滑差的同步运动,其特点是传动比精确,对轴的作用力小,结构紧凑,耐油耐磨损,抗老化性能好,传动效率可达 % ,传动功率从几百到数百千瓦,传动比可达 10, 线速度可达 40m/s 。文中介绍了四轴高速 PCB 钻铣床主传动系统各种传动方案优缺点的比较、主传动方案的选择和确定、主传动变速系统的设计计算、主轴组件的设计、轴承的选用基润滑、关键零件的校核、以及主轴电动机的控制等设计过程。关键词:数控机床/四轴高速 PCB 钻铣床/主传动系统/主轴组件/轴承/主轴电机四轴高速 PCB 钻铣床进给机构设计 II Four axis high speed PCB drilling and milling machine feeding mechanism design A BSTRACT Numerical control technology and equipment manufacturing industry is modern foundation, this foundation is directly affects the economic development ofa country prehensive national power, to the country's strategic position. This paper introduces the basic situation of C milling machine, the main transmission system of machine tool with respect to the principle and types, analysis mechanism of the transmission project. NC vertical milling machine main transmission system includes a spindle motor, spindle drive system and spindle assembly posed of three parts. This paper introduces C milling machine main transmission system design process, the C milling machine spindle gear box by synchronous belt transmission, synchronous belt prehensive belt, chain and gear transmission the advantages, with the working surface of tooth shape, and the belt pulley slot for engaging movement, make the main, from the band wheel for non-slip synchronous movement, which is characterized by accurate transmission ratio, the axial force is small, compact structure, oil resistance and wear resistance, good ageing resistance, the transmission efficiency can reach %, the transmission power from a few hundred to several hundred kilowatt, transmission ratio can reach 10, lin