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乌梅汤对溃疡性结肠炎治疗作用的初探 武寒飞.pdf

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乌梅汤对溃疡性结肠炎治疗作用的初探 武寒飞.pdf

上传人:小泥巴 2022/5/11 文件大小:2.76 MB


乌梅汤对溃疡性结肠炎治疗作用的初探 武寒飞.pdf



文档介绍:中国中医药现代远程教育 第 20 卷第 9 期·总第 377 期
86 Cods 50 SD rats were randomly
divided into 3 groups, group A for normal control group (10), group B for the UC model does not give medicine group (20), group C
for UC model to drug group (20). Each rat’s general situation, the rat intestinal histology change, epithelial cell proliferation, mesenter-
ic lymph node bacterial translocation rate, and so on and so forth were observed and recorded. Results DAI score of group C was lower
than that of group B (P <). After 15 days of treatment, Hovdenak score in group C was lower than that in group B, and PCNA ex-
pression index was higher than that in group B (P <). The bacterial translocation rate of mesenteric lymph nodes in group C was
lower than that in group B (P <). Conclusion Wumei decoction has an effective effect on ulcerative colitis with few side effects. Its
mechanism may be related to accelerating the repair of damaged intestinal mucosa in ulcerative colitis, reducing bacterial translocation
and maintaining the stability of intestinal mucosa structure and function.
Keywords:dysentery; ulcerative colitis; Wumei decoction; bacterial translocation; classical prescription
溃疡性结肠炎(UC)是一种病因尚不完全清楚的结肠 Dawley)普通级大鼠