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含电动汽车虚拟电厂的区间主从 博弈优化调度 华远鹏.pdf

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含电动汽车虚拟电厂的区间主从 博弈优化调度 华远鹏.pdf

上传人:巧姐 2022/5/12 文件大小:1.13 MB


含电动汽车虚拟电厂的区间主从 博弈优化调度 华远鹏.pdf


文档介绍:网络首发时间:2022-05-07 09:47:30
storage resources for virtual power plants. There is an interest game between virtual power plant operators and
electric vehicle owners, and the operation process is affected by many uncertain factors, which poses a challenge
to the optimal scheduling. Therefore, a bi level optimization model of interval master-slave game for virtual power
plant with electric vehicle is proposed. The upper level model takes the minimum operation cost of the virtual
power plant as the optimization objective, considers the constraints of power balance and energy storage system,
and updates the corresponding electricity price information according to the obtained upper level objective; Based
on the electricity price information, the lower optimization model takes the minimum power consumption cost of
electric vehicle owners as the optimization objective, solves the aggregated electric vehicle power, and sends it to
the upper optimization model. The results show that the interval master-slave game bilevel optimization model
can take into account the bilateral interests of virtual power plant operators and electric vehicle owners, and
effectively improve the robust


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