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酒店英语 教学课件.ppt

上传人:cengwaifai1314 2022/5/12 文件大小:425 KB


酒店英语 教学课件.ppt


文档介绍:1:Hotel structure
Front Office Department/room department
Food & Beverage Department
Sales & Marketing Department
Acften specialize in corporate accounts, conventions, or tour and travel markets.
the three functions of the human resources department are employee recruitment, benefits administration, and training.
The director of human resources is also expected to be an expert on federal and state labor laws and to advise managers in other departments on these topics.
The accounting department’s traditional role is recording financial transactions, preparing and interpreting financial statements, and providing the managers of other departments with timely reports of operating results (line functions).
Other responsibilities, carried out by the assistant controller for finance, include payroll preparation, accounts receivable, and accounts payable (staff functions).
Another dimension of the accounting department’s responsibilities deals with various aspects of hotel operations, cost accounting, and cost control throughout the hotel. The two areas of central concern to the accounting department are rooms and food and beverage.
the hotel’s general manager (GM) is responsible for defining and interpreting the policies established by top management.
The general manager serves as a liaison to the hotel’s owner or corporate parent, sets (or communicates) the overall strategic course of the hotel, sets hotel-wide goals, coordinates activities between departments, and arbitrates interdepartmental disputes.
An executive may be promoted to relieve the general manager of some operational duties. This is often accomplished by elevating the duties and responsibilities of one particular department head without relieving that person of regular departmental duties. The title of this position is usually resident manager.
It is quite common (and logical) for the general manager to select the manager of the rooms department to be resident manager.
Responsibilities of the


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