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文档介绍:毕业设计报告(论文) 报告( 论文) 题目: 高性能企业园区网的设计与组建作者所在系部: 作者所在专业: 网络工程作者所在班级: 作者姓名: 作者学号: 指导教师姓名: 完成时间: 2016 年6月摘要在如今的网络建设中,企业园区网的搭建是非常重要的,企业园区网高速发展的原因是企业园区网内部可以同时开展不通的业务。早期的企业园区网只是简单的数据共享, 而现今的企业园区网可以做到企业内部全方位的数据共享。过去单一的企业到现在多个分支公司的全部互连,因而对网络的覆盖面要求越来越广。这一要求最早还只局限于各分支企业内部,现在则已是整个企业、整个行业,甚至整个 的共同要求。因此构建高性能的企业园区网显得尤为重要。随着网络的逐步普及,高性能企业园区网的建设是企业向信息化发展的必然选择, 企业网络系统是一个非常庞大而复杂的系统,它不仅为企业现代化、综合信息管理和办公自动化等一系列应用提供基本操作平台,而且能提供多种应用服务,使信息能及时、准确地传送给各个系统。关键词: 高性能园区网信息化 Abstract In today'work construction , enterprise work structures is very important , because the rapid development of the enterprise work is the enterprise work can be carried out inside the business at the same time does not make sense . Early enterprise work just simple data sharing, and today's enterprise work can doa full range of enterprise data sharing .A single enterprise in the past and now allof interconnecting a plurality of branch of pany , and thus work coverage requirements and more widely. This requirement also only limited to the first branch of the enterprise, isnow already the whole enterprise , the whole industry, and even mon requirements across the . So to build a high-performance enterprise work is particularly important. With the popularity of work , the construction of high-performance enterprise work is the inevitable choice to enterprise information development , work system isa very large plex system ,not only for enterprises to modern, integrated information management and office automation, a series application provides basic operating platform , and can provide a variety of applications , so that information can be promptly and accurately transmitted to the various systems . Keyword: high performance, work, Informatization 目录摘要...................................................................................................................................... 2 Abstract .....................................................................................................................................


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