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行星架盖.dwg [90.16 KB] 查看图纸
金属带式汽车无级变速器传动机构设计.doc [3.51 MB]
金属带式汽车无级变速器传动机构设计.doc [3.51 MB]
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开题报告.doc [122.37 KB]
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主动固定锥盘.dwg [108.34 KB] 查看图纸
主动移动锥盘.dwg [95.16 KB] 查看图纸
主动移动锥盘.dwg [95.16 KB] 查看图纸
变速器前端盖.dwg [142.97 KB] 查看图纸
变速器前端盖.dwg [142.97 KB] 查看图纸
变速器总成.dwg [396.66 KB] 查看图纸
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齿轮.dwg [80.94 KB] 查看图纸
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变速器总成-装配图.dwg [326.84 KB] 查看图纸
变速器总成-装配图.dwg [326.84 KB] 查看图纸


文档介绍:购买后包含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q401339828 I 摘要在具有广阔的发展前景和市场空间的汽车行业中,车辆技术也得到较快的发展。金属带式无级变速器是一种新型的机械摩擦式无级变速器,具有承载能力强、效率高、平稳性好、环保节能等优良的传动特性, 特别适用于需要传递中大功率而又需无级调速的场合。本设计是基于现代人们对汽车性能的更高要求,鉴于国内外专家对无级变速器的研究与分析,结合金属带式无级变速器的现状和发展趋势、基本结构、传动原理、性能特点, 主要以其在轿车中的应用,设计金属带式无级变速器的传动机构,根据对设计参数的分析,对整个无级变速器的各级传动部分的传动方式进行详细的设计,包括主、从动带轮;主、从动锥盘;中间减速机构,使其与传统的变速器相比,耐用性能、加速性能、燃油性能以及排放性能都得到改善。关键词:金属带;无级变速器;传动机构;机械摩擦式;主、从动锥盘;中间减速机构购买后包含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q401339828 II ABSTRACT Ina broad development prospects and market space in the auto industry, vehicle technology has also been developed quickly. Metal belt type variator isa new type of mechanical friction type variator, high bearing ability, high efficiency, energy saving and steadiness, good environment protection fine transmission characteristics, especially suitable for high power and in need to pass to stepless speed regulation occasion. This design is based on the modern people to an automobile performance higher request, in view of the fact that the domestic and foreign experts to variator's research and the analysis , combined with the metal belt type continuously variable transmission of the status and development trends, the basic structure, transmission principle, performance characteristics .According to its application in cars, completed the design of metal belt CVT transmission, based on the design variable's analysis, the transmission part at all levels of detail design transmission mode, , including master, driven pulleys; Lord, driven cone-disk; intermediate deceleration institutions pared with the traditional transmission, durable performance, and accelerating performance, fuel performance and emission performance is improved. K eywords : Metal belt ; Contiuously Variable Transmission ; transmission ;a type of mechanical friction ;l ord, driven cone-disk ; ntermediate deceleration institutions 购买后包含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q401339828 目录摘要...............................................................................................................