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上传人:junjun2875 2017/3/28 文件大小:685 KB




文档介绍:Ⅰ. 语言知识及应用( 共两节,满分 45分) 第一节完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30分) 阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从 1~ 15 各题所给的 A、B、C和D 项中, 选出最佳选项。 A father had a pair of twin two boys looked like each ( 判断) from the __1 __, the two boys were almost the their __2 __ were very different , or __3 __ speaking , just was extremely optimistic ( 乐观的), while the other was extremely pessimistic ( 悲观的). The father wanted to __4 __ their characters to make both of them better. One day , he bought many __5 __ toys for the pessimistic child , and closed his __6 __ brother the optimistic child ina room the floor of which was covered with dogs ’ waste. An hour later , the father came to see the __7 was sure he would see the scene he __8 __: the pessimistic child was __9 __ and the optimistic one was what he saw __ 10 __ surprised found the face of the pessimistic child was in __ 11 asked him ,“ Why are you crying? Why don ’t you play with these toys ?”“ They will get dirty ifI play with them. ” The child was still crying. The father __ 12 __ his head helplessly , entered the other room and __ 13 __ actually that the optimistic child was happily clearing dogs ’ waste. “ Hey , room should really be did a good job , didn ’tI?” That child said to the father , with a(n) __ 14 __ face. Between the optimist and the pessimist , the __ 15 __ is very interesting : An optimist says the glass is half full...A pessimist says the glass is half empty... 1. B. voices C. names D. looks 解析:选 D 。由上文“...twin sons. ”以及“ The two boys looked like each other. ”可知,他们外表看起来很像。 2. B. habits C. characters D. dreams 解析:选 C 。由下文“ One was extremely optimistic( 乐观的), while the other was extremely pessimistic( 悲观的).”可知他们的性格迥异。 3. B. exactly C. honestly D. seriously 解析:选 B。“完全相反”是“不同”的一种情况,从 different 到 just opposite 是进一步说明如何“不同”,故可知此处是“确切地说”。 4. B. develop C. change D. correct 解析:选C。由下文可知, 爸爸的做法是试图改变双胞胎的性格, 让他们的性格都变得更好。


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