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t comprehension
Ⅰ. c Ⅱ
1. f. not all technology makes things co情的最后一代人了,那种被上百万文字环绕着的感觉,那些文字是历代知名的和默默无闻的作家们的产品。当前,在20世纪70年代中期,我们正目睹一个不易觉察却毫无疑问存在的慢慢背离书籍这类事物的倾向。恐怕美国的家庭很快就不会再留出房间做图书馆了。精装的图书—那思想永驻的象征,那从一个时代向下一个时代传留的智慧—可能会添加到我们即将灭绝的物种名单上去。
unit 2
text comprehension
Ⅰ. b (a and c are only part of the whole incident that highlights the theme.) Ⅱ
1. t. refer to paragraph 2. 2. t. refer to paragraph 4.
3. f. the author did not want her mother to come to school to speak for her, because that would make two of them unhappy and indignant. refer to paragraph 7.
4. f. the author was excited because her imagination was fuelled by glamorous shots of the popular hollywood temptresses. but she did not want to take the risk of being picked out by wearing her cherished dress that was different from the blue school uniform. refer to paragraphs 9 and 10. 5. t. refer to paragraph 17. Ⅳ.
1. i was carried away by excitement: i began to imagine myself in pictures like those attractive pictures of popular hollywood actresses.
2. i felt so frustrated that i was on the verge of tears when i wondered, as what i had done innumerable times, why the unsympathetic teacher would not overlook my clothes even once and see how hard i tried to comply with the school policy and how eager i was to participate in all the activities.
language work

1. hold back, schoolmates
2. endure the punishment, the embarrassment i had to go through every day ( the routine embarrassment)
3. so angry and likely to argue with my teachers in order to protect me 4. i was so excited that i was almost out of control, fired (or stimulated) by 5. the dress that i liked very much
6. walked slowly and reluctantly to the stage without being asked to do so 7. unsympathetic, overlook
8. i cheered myself up with the idea, get absorbed in the story of a tale of two cities by charles dickens and not think about anything else, calm down and get bac