文档介绍:年 临床急诊杂志
卷 期
23 5 Journal ofng the course of the disease,the patient had severe lung infection,normal liver function,and elevat-
ed blood ammonia.After oral administration of phenobarbital combined with sodium valproate sustained-release
tablets,blood ammonia rapidly increased.After stopping the antiepileptic drugs,the patient's blood ammonia
gradually decreased to normal.The etiology of hyperammonemia is not easy to identify,especially non-hepatic hy-
perammonemiacaused by sodium valproate is not common in clinical practice.It is necessary to attach great impor-
tance to clinical diagnosis and treatment to avoid missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis.
Key words non-hepatic hyperammonemia;valproate;adverse reactions
临床上高氨血症患者常合并肝脏基础疾病 非 肢抽搐半小时余 于 年 月 日入院 急诊
, ” 2021 6 10 。
肝脏损伤引起的高 氨 血症 临 床 上容易忽视、误 诊, 予地西泮静脉推注后癫痫症状得以控制,完善头部
耽误病情 患者病情复杂 常合并有引起血氨 检查提示 蛛网膜下腔出血 左侧额颞顶硬膜下
。ICU , CT “ 、