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课程名称:通过电影学英语 题课名称:借助优秀的英文影片, 进行立体的视听说 英语教学 教材名称:英语电影视听说
m and put their beliefs aside. Should individualism be encouraged at school?
Part I MOVIE EXPLORATION Section A Moive Story Task 1 Retell the story with the help of the hints given below. ① Welton Academy, a conservative and autocratic boy prep school ② the arrival of an unconventional English teacher, John Keating ③ Keating’s unique way of teaching
Section B Character Analysis
Task 2 Work in pairs. Focus on the following scenes, discuss the personality traits of the characters and complete the blanks.
Mr. Nolan (the headmaster)
(at the ceremony) deliver a speech, emphasizing
(in the classroom) question Keating’s conduct in the courtyard and warn him

tradition,honor,discipline and excellence
not to mislead the students
conservative, narrow-minded
Task 3 Work in pairs and answer the following questions. ① What do you think of Keating’s first English literature class at Welton? ② In the courtyard, after making the students all join in the clapping and adjust to the rhythm of the marching, how does Keating explain the exercise and emphasize individualism? Part I Section A, Section B 目标:培养学生的视听理解力以及分析、归纳和评论的能力。
Task 4 Listen to the interview and complete it by filling the blanks. Task 5 Work in groups of three and conduct an interview based on the situation given below. Part I Section C 目标:强化学生的听写能力,进一步培养学生进行影评的能力。
Part II Culture Reflection Section A The goals of American Education 1. Self-actualization 2. Team Spirit Task: Work in groups and compare the similarities and differences between American and Chinese educational systems. 目标:培养学生的人文气质,提高他们的综合文化素养。
Part III Language Appreciation Section A Language Tips ①Lexi


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