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文档介绍:摘要随着通信市场竞争的日益激烈,通信质量和网络运行的稳定性已经被越来越多地认为是各运营商的核心竞争力。在这种情况下如何降低运营成本,提高服务质量是移动运营公司所面临的重大挑战。由于移动业务系统的复杂性, 数据网管系统不健全且告警范围较窄, 有些情况下业务中断或者业务已受影响, 但无告警产生, 直到业务质量严重劣化, 用户投诉大量产生时, 系统故障才被发现。拨叫测试是各电信运营商保证网络稳定运行的重要手段。但传统的人工拨测方法不仅人力成本高,而且效率低下,数据统计难且结果误差大,随意性强,并且难以进行大范围的测试。采用自动拨测可以将大量的工程师从低水平的拨打测试上解放出来,直接节省人力资源,规范操作流程,提高发现和处理问题的速度。本文首先结合实际工作使用需求,全面分析了自动拨测系统的功能需求,接着提出了移动业务自动拨测系统总体架构,对于嵌入式拨测模块的工作原理、功能、硬件的结构和软件的设计思路进行详细的论述。自动拨测系统是一个将拨测的结果以警告和报表的形式提供给业务管理人员的工具,它实现了多种移动业务的全天候的日常拨打测试工作,可以实时监控移动业务拨测情况,通过大批量高密度的业务端到端拨测,生成业务和网络质量评估报告,及时发现业务和网络存在的问题,保证用户业务使用顺畅,并为移动通信网络建设及优化提供依据。关键词: 自动拨测系统,嵌入式模块, DTMF 信号,短信提醒 ABSTRACT With the increasingly petition in munications market, the stability of munication quality work operation has been increasingly considered tobe the operators of the petitiveness. In this case, how to reduce operating costs, improve quality of service isa major challenge facing the mobile pany. Due to plexity of the mobile business systems, data management system and the alarm does not sound narrow range, in some cases business interruption or business has been affected, but no alarm generation, until a serious deterioration in the quality of service, user generated plaints, the system failure was be found. Testing is an important means of dialing the operators to work stability operation. But traditional manual dialing test method isnot only the high labor costs, and inefficient, error statistics and the results are difficult to large, arbitrary strong and difficult to carry out a wide range of tests. Automatic dialing can be measured using a large number of engineers liberated from the low-level test dial out directly to saving human resources, standard operating procedures, improve the speed of discovery and problem solving. Firstly, the actual work needs, prehensive analysis of the functional requirements of the system to automatically dial test, and then automatically dial the mobile service proposed measure overall system architecture for embedded dial test module works,


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