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跨域图像检索综述 李浩然.pdf

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跨域图像检索综述 李浩然.pdf

上传人:住儿 2022/5/17 文件大小:1.27 MB


跨域图像检索综述 李浩然.pdf


文档介绍:: .
A Review Of Cross-Domain Image Retrieval
LI Haoran, ZHOU Xiaoping, WANG Jia
School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing
100044, China
Abstract:Due to the influence of imaging carriers, imaging spectra and imaging conditions, the application of
cross-domain images in different fields is increasing, and cross-domain image retrieval has become a hot topic and a
preamble of research in many fields. However, cross-domain image retrieval faces the problem of image visual
deviation, and the results cannot be effectively obtained through traditional same-domain image retrieval methods.
Through literature research, systematically reviews the representative approaches in the field of cross-domain image
retrieval in recent years. Firstly, the task of cross-domain image retrieval is described and the key issues are pointed
out; secondly, cross-domain image retrieval methods are divided into two categories according to different
transformation stages of image domains: cross-domain image retrieval methods based on feature space migration
and cross-domain image retrieval methods based on image domain adaptation, and the two types of methods are
summarised and analysed systematically; and then, the datasets of cross-domain image retrieval in different fields
are collated, and the performance of various methods is compared; finally, the existing cross-domain retrieval
methods are summarised and the future research directions are outlined.
Key words:cross-domain image retrieval; deep learning; feature space migration; image domain adaptation; review



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