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文档介绍:地球写给人类的 地球写给人类的信英语
We Need Protecting! We are natural resources that people have we got such a kk out of your cute eyewitness accounts, what withthe stories of our big dark eyes and little arms and made us feel special, even if your tales were plete books, the movies, the T-shirts — we were like some of you took it all so seriously, with your conspiracy theories and was really quite a this guy Whitley Strieber came along, and he sort of took the joy out of it, you know What a killjoy shitbag he we abduct only nerdy guys who live alone in Airstream trailers, primarily because they"re nerds and, truth be told, we just like to mess with their of you have written asking about crop circles, so let"s set the record ain"t , it"s about people have trouble reaching your own moon, and even you have cell phones, satellite TV, and high-speed sail between stars at speeds you believe impossible — you think we have to knock down veges in order to munate And why do you always assume we land in rural areas a pla with New York, Rio de Janeiro, Paris, and Amsterdam, you figure we"d choose to hang out in Roswell, New Meo Have any of you actually been there (By the way, Area 51 is a real the unlikely event we"re ever