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上传人:森森 2022/5/18 文件大小:17 KB




The Connected Problems of Mathematics
By Hu Yue
Guided by Xie Wen
Abstract :The coning guidance to those students in learning and thinking habits or modes is also a good way to help them get though this hard connection period smoothly. Based on this logic, this article is going to discover and deplore the possible causes and the practical solutions to the transaction problems between the junior to senior high school.

I chose this?
Because this brief and focused abstract is easy to understand, and can help me with my teaching.
of this abstract
First, the abstract analyzes the reasons why freshmen of high school find difficult to learn math, and then it illustrates the importance of the transition between middle school math and high school math. At last, a few suggestions were made in terms of study and teaching.
is this research about?
The research is about analyzing the reasons why freshmen of high school find difficult
The Connected Problems of Mathematics
By Hu Yue
Guided by Xie Wen

Abstract :The connection between the junior high school and the senior high school is always a problem that the public had given a lot atten


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