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上传人:lily8501 2022/5/18 文件大小:18 KB




文档介绍:第1页 /总页数 5 页
Topic 议题whether Ophir was an old kingdom located “dog”, but they did not have any connection at that time.
  Sample answer:
The reading and listeningboth talk about the location of Ophir. However, the professor contradicts theidea raised in the reading that kingdom Ophir was located in the South Asia.
Firstly, the reading saysthat the origin of products like rare woods found in Ophir was only in SouthAsia. Whereas, the professor argues that there were many trading centers at anancient time. Maybe Ophir was only one of them, and products from South Asiawere transported to there, waiting to be sold. The rare woods may come fromother places, in order to carry conveniences for merchants to bring them tosome other places.
Moreover, the reading claims thattime spent on shipping from Ophir to the Mediterranean area can prove itslocation on South Asia. On the contrary, the lecture opposes that navigationand shipment technology 3000 years ago were primitive, and ships often gotlost, which made the voyage at that time much longer than now. Therefore, it isnormally for a city nearby to get to the Arabian Peninsula for such a longtime.
Finally, the reading statesthat there were similar words that were both used in Ophir and South , the listening argues that the similarity of some words cann


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