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文档介绍:寂静的春天, 英文读书报告寂静的春天英文版 SILENT SPRING By RACHEL CARSON (ONE SINGLE BOOK WHICH BROUGHT THE ISSUE OF PESTICIDES CENTERSTAGE. WITH MASS SCALE POISONING OF THE LAND WITH PESTICIDES AND WITH THOUSANDS OF MITTING SUICIDE. THIS BOOK IS ESSENTIAL FOR PUBLIC RESEARCH IN INDIA.) Contents Acknowledgments ix Foreword xi1A Fable for Tomorrow 1 2 The Obligation to Endure 5 3 Elixirs of Death 15 4 Surface Waters and Underground Seas 39 5 Realms of the Soil 53 6 Earth ’s Green Mantle 63 7 Needless Havoc 85 8 And No Birds Sing 103 9 Rivers of Death 129 10 Indiscriminately from the Skies 154 11 Beyond the Dreams of the Borgias 173 12 The Human Price 187 13 Through a Narrow Window 199 14 One in Every Four 219 15 Nature Fights Back 245 16 The Rumblings of an Avalanche 262 17 The Other Road 277 List of Principal Sources 301 Index 357 Acknowledgments INA LETTER written in January 1958, Olga Owens Huckins told me of her own bitter experience ofa small world made lifeless, and so brought my attention sharply back toa problem with which I had long been concerned. I then realized I must write this book. During the years since then I have received help and encouragement from so many people that it is not possible to name them all here. Those who have freely shared with me the fruits of many years ’ experience and study represent a wide variety of government agencies in this and other countries, many universities and research institutions, and many professions. To all of them I express my deepest thanks for time and thought so generously given. In addition my special gratitude goes to those who took time to read portions of the manuscript and to ment and criticism based on their own e( 来自: 论文网: 寂静的春天, 英文读书报告)xpert knowledge. Although the final responsibility for the accuracy and validity of the text is mine, I could not pleted the book without the generous help of these specialists: L. G. Bartholomew, ., of the Mayo Clinic, John J. Biesele of the University of Texas, A. W. A. Brown of the Uni