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摘 要
Intemet的迅速开展使得国家的经济建设和社会开展对全球互联网的依赖性越 来越强,大量的关键应用正在互联网上如火如荼地展开,如电子商务、电子政务、 网络会议、网络医疗等。但作为ain routing system have attracted much attention in industrial and academic communities.Some enhanced protocols have been proposed,such as S-BGP,soBGP and SO on,but those protocols,either need all across.the-board adjustment to the present PⅪsystem.or need to build a totally different Inter.domain routing system,which renders some difficulties in deployment and investment.Under this situation,BGP security monitoring is a technology that is
really useful in practice.
Tms thesis investigates deeply into the inter-domain routing system,establishes a co.operational model of the monitoring system based on route table detection,and also researches the key techniques under this system.
(1)First,we present the detailed design of database in which the information is collected from different sources.For each method,we analyze the usability and the
creditability,and then give a collision detection algorithm to eliminate the
(2)Co-operational monitoring technologies for inter-domain routing system are studied intensively.The conception of detection alliance iS introduced for cooperation among ISPs.In each alliance,router tables are collected and shared for detection.In this
way,members Can detect anomalies across their domains and verify anomalies mutually, which improves the precision of the detection results.Furthermore,we describe a novel
display method with horizontal degree and vertical degree,which can give a good solution for visualization of detection results.
(3)111e system is deployed in a distributed mode,which requires trusty communication.In order to build a trusty environment,the malicious members who send bogus information should be punished.Therefore,we consider the members’ reputation in each alliance,and propose a distributed approach to store the reputation
values in using of consistent hashing.At last,we