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上传人:小健 2022/5/20 文件大小:85 KB





Section 1 brief introduction of C02 gas shielded arc welding
C02 gas shielded arc welding is a kind of gas sh(2) the wire wire diameter is 1. 6 2. 4mm) is mostly used in large current and high voltage welding droplet transfer is fine droplet rejection transition, even shotdrops transition. This is a free form of transition.
coarse wire (wire diameter of 2. 4 - 5mm), often using high current and low voltage welding, when it is a droplet transition The arc basically goes into the pit of the weld pool, and the droplet transfers in a free transition form.
Compared with hand arc welding and submerged arc welding, C02 welding has many advantages:
high production efficiency and energy saving. Due to the welding current density, usually 100 ~ 300A/mm2, so the arc heat concentrated, wire melting efficiency is high, the mother was the penetration depth, high welding speed, welding at the same time do not need slag, so can significantly improve the welding efficiency and save energy.
low welding cost. Because of the low price of C02 gas and welding wire, low cost of welding equipment before welding and less time after welding cleaning and correcting, so the cost is low.
small welding deformation. As the arc heat concentration, low line energy and C02 gas has a stronger
The heating area of the welding workpiece is small. Especially when welding thin plate, the deformation


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