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文档介绍:Lose weight and lose weight (易胖体质减肥)
Easy fat body how to lose weight?
The more eating the thinner, the 16 coup
So muation, they often control the secretion of insulin.
point weight loss, German nutritionists have developed a diet, which means that dieters cannot eat certain foods at the same time. For example, people eat high protein, high fat meat dish, you can eat some vegetables, but can not drink beer or eat bread, potatoes, Steamed Rice carbohydrate food. It turned out that human body fat is composed of a variety of nutrients, the body in the consumption of high protein foods, food does not eat carbohydrates, the body will not increase fat.
to be much thinner vinegar in recent years, the rise of a vinegar diet hot, experts believe that the consumption of amino acids contained in vinegar, not only consume the body fat, but also can make the sugar and protein The new supersedes the old. smoothly, can receive the good effect of losing weight.
after dinner tea diet rice, tea, soup, food with a little better, do not eat fat and healthy, free time with exercise effect is better. You can use lemon soup stew sirloin, Mei Zitang, lime soup, mushroom fungus soup, sour curry soup, fish soup or pickles Suansun soup is soup diet is effective, and can turn up stomach fat. Rice with pickles, ginger rice, black glutinous rice can be. Rice and vegetables with less weight fat meat, p